Free Range Fibre

Sustainable natural wool from our apacas and Shetland Sheep

Shetland ram lambs

shetland ram lamb

We have new Shetland ram lambs on the meadow! Last year we borrowed a handsome Shetland ram from Tilney Shetlands and the result was our beautiful ewe lamb Nimbus. This year we are being even more adventurous and have purchased not one, but two ram lambs for our flock.

Spa Lodge Aillig is a grey katmoget shetland with a lovely long fleece and impressive horns already. He has spent some time with our katmoget ewes, Naomi, Nerine and Nessia, and we are hoping for lovely fine fleeces from his offspring. He seemed very keen!

Powdermill Dougal has a particularly fine fleece and is slightly smaller than Aillig. He has beautiful colouring and is listed as a fawn moget faced smirslet. He arrived with our new fawn katmoget girls, Gabriella and Orla and they all spent some time together before Christmas. We are keeping our fingers crossed for lambs.

Lambs should be due at the end of March and we will keep you posted.

Shetland ram lambs
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